The MFA has decided to have only virtual monthly meetings. These will be supplemented by several “Field Trip” events during the year.  Normally, these will be on a Saturday morning to make physical visits to see department apparatus and stations as well as have lunch together.

Therefore, the monthly September 2024 meeting of the MFA will be conducted “virtually” utilizing Google Meet.

You are invited to join the Metropolitan Fire Association’s SEPTEMBER 2024 monthly meeting.  

HOWEVER AND NOTE… Due to the need for the IFBA Convention this week to use the virtual system the September MFA meeting will actually be NEXT Week on 1 October 2924.  We will start the actual meeting at about 19:30 hours, (Eastern time).

Our guest speaker for SEPTEMBER (October 1) will be our own MFA member Elliot Paisner.  Elliot is a student at the University of Maryland working to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Fire Protection Engineering.  For the second summer in a row, he has had the opportunity to be an intern at the Smithsonian Institution, the world’s largest museum, education, and research Washington DC.   Apparently, they were impressed with his work over the summer of 2023 and asked him back to continue his research and work over the summer of 2024.  We look forward to hearing about his accomplishments during his second season.

Contact us for information on accessing our Google Meeting conferencing tool that will be used for this meeting.