Announcing the 2021 MFA Calendar

The 2021 Fire Apparatus Calendar (34th edition) is now available from the Metropolitan Fire Association of Atlanta, GA.  Click the Menu option above to place an online order “Annual Apparatus Calendar“. This full color calendar has a photo of a different fire...

2021 Calendar Photos

LAST CHANCE!!!The MFA is seeking action photos for the front and back covers of the 2021 edition of our shift calendar. Photos must be horizontal format (turn your phone sideways!) and high resolution (at least 1 mb), with no editing or filtering. In addition to...

Announcing the 2020 MFA Calendar

The 2020 Fire Apparatus Calendar is now available from the Metropolitan Fire Association of Atlanta, GA. This full color calendar has a photo of a different fire apparatus from the metropolitan Atlanta area featured on each page. Front & rear covers are fire...